FBNQuest Promotes Financial Literacy to Secure Your Future

FBNQuest, the investment banking and asset management subsidiary of FBN Holdings Plc, recently held its financial literacy and enlightenment session to commemorate the 2024 Global Money Week, and as part of the organisation’s Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) activities. This year’s Global Money Week was themed “Protect Your Money, Secure Your Future” to raise awareness among younger generations about savings culture, investment, and financial discipline.
To promote financial literacy, FBNQuest employees volunteered to teach and interact with pupils, providing insights and techniques on the importance of developing a savings culture from the money given to them by their parents, guardians, and family members. This will ensure preparedness to capitalise on investment opportunities, promoting a proactive approach to future growth and prosperity.
Shestatedtheneedtoeducateyoungadultsonthesmartstepstheycantaketohavetheirmoney protected and secured for the future.
The organization continues to show its commitment to improving and deepening the financial knowledge of Nigerian children through its support of Global Money Week. Through the employee volunteering initiative, FBNQuest employees have trained over 400 students on the importance ofFinancial Literacy.
During the financial enlightenment session with the students, the Chief Financial Officer at FBNQuest Merchant Bank,Olamide Adeosun, emphasized that planning for the future requires self-discipline, commitment, and deliberate effort to achieve desired outcomes. As young adults, it is imperative to have a sound knowledge of savings and investments to raise consciousness on how to grow their money in asafe and sustainable manner to meet their future financial needs.
The schools visited spanned across Lagos, Abuja, and Rivers states, and representatives shed more light on having clear and specific goals to guide financial decisions.These were communicated usingsimple, relatable illustrations, making it easy for the students to understand the importanceofcultivatingthehabitofputtingmoneyawaytosecure their future goals.